*Question : ‘’Al Quran, meaning ,revelation and features of Al Quran ,Makki and Madani surah ‘’

 Answer:        *The third article of faith which Muhammad (sm) has commanded us to believe is faith in the Books of Allah, Which he has send down to mankind through his prophets and Messengers ,either they are known to us or unknown and either they are small in size or big .The holy Quran is the last and final message of almighty Allah. Now I’m going to write down the answer according to the question :--
                            $$ Meaning of Al Quran:--
                           ## Literal meaning:--
                                                                  Al Quran is an Arabic word .There are three opinions about the meaning of this word. The first opinion is that it is derived from the verb Qara’a( )which means to read or to recite etc .And this is the strongest opinion about the meaning of the Quran as it is the most read Book of the world .The second opinion is that the word Quran is derived from the verb Qarana ( ),which means Joined together in the form of ‘surah’(chapter) and ‘juz’(part) and the third opinion is that the word Quran is a proper noun ,it does not hold any specific meaning like Zabur and Injeel .(1)
                                    The word Quran ( ) appears about 70 times in the Quran itself , assuming various meanings .It is a verbal noun ( ) of the Arabic verb Qara’a( ) meaning ‘he read ‘or he ‘recited ‘  .While some western scholars consider the word to be derived from the Syria ,the majority of Muslim authorities hold the origin of the word is Qara’a itself .
                                                              Regardless , it  had become an Arabic from by Muhammad’s life time .       
An Important meaning of the word is the  “act of reciting ” as reflected in an early Quranic passage : It is for us to collect it and to recite it .”
                                  There are same other words used to refer Al Quran such as : Kitab (book),
Ayah (sign), Dhikir ( remembrance ) used to refer to the Quran in the sense of  a reminder and warning ,and Hikmah ( wisdom ) .The Quran describes itself as” the discernment or the criterion between truth and falsehood “ Al Furqan , Huda ,the Guide ,Tanzil –The revelation ,something sent down, signifying the descent of an object from a higher place (2)
                                                             $$Terminological Meaning :-
                                                                                                               The Terminological Meaning of the Holy Quran is :-
“The Quran is the Arabic speech of Allah which He revealed to Muhammad (sm) in wording and meaning and which has been performed Ibadah by reciting it and which has been reserved in the Mushof and has  reached us by Mutawatir transmission( several chains of narrations) without any kind of doubt (is a challenge to mankind to produce something similar to it )’’
                          “ In short , the Quran is the word of Allah revealed to Muhammad through the Holy sprit Gibraiel during his prophetic life (23 years) ,and it is beyond human imagination to produce anything like it.”
                     $$ Revelation of Al Quran :-
                                                 Muslims believe that the Quran was verbally revealed from Allah to Muhammad (sm) through the angel Gibraiel gradually over a period of approximately 23 years , beginning on 22 December 609 A.D, When Muhammad (sm) was 40 years old , and concluding in 632 C.E, the year of his death .Shortly after his death ,the Quran was collected by his companions using written Quranic materials and everything that had been memorized of the Quran .
                          Islamic tradition relates that Hazrat Muhammad (sm) received his first revelation in the cave of Hera during one of his isolated retreats to the mountains. Thereafter , he received revocations over a period of 23 years. According to  hadith and Muslim history , after Muhammad (sm) emigrated to Madina and formed  an independent Muslim community , he ordered many of his companions to recite the Quran and to learn and teach the laws, which were revealed daily .
                        Sahih al Bukhari narrates Muhammad (sm) describing the revelations as “ something it is revealed like the ringing of a bell and Aisha(R) reported “ I know the prophet being inspired Divinely on a very cold day and noticed the sweat dropping from his forehead ;
                         $$ Means of revelation are :--
* Inspirations, e.g in a dream , such as Ibrahim receives guidance in a vision while asleep ,to scarifies his son .
* Speech hidden away such as Allah spoke to Musa from the fire .
*  Words (speech) sent through a special messenger from Almighty Allah ,such as Allah sent the Angel Gabriel as the messenger to Muhammad (sm) to reveal his message .
           According to suyuti(r) on the basis of three reports from ‘Abdullah Ibn Abbas’ in Hakim , Baihaqi and Nasai the Quran descended in two stages :-
               -From the lawh al- Mahfuz , the well preserved tablet to the lowest of the heavens ( bait al- izza or bait al-mamoor ) of the world , all together ,in the lailat-al-Qadr .
             -From the heavens to earth in stages throughout the twenty three years of Muhammad’s prophet hood and first in the lailat-al-Qadr of Ramadan through the Angel Gabriel .It is referred to in sura Al-Isra (17) and sura Al-Furqan (25).
        * Some features of the Holy Quran :-
       # Practicability : one of the major features of the Quranic wisdom is Is practicability .It does not indulge in wishful thinking .Nor do its teachings demand the impossible .The Quran accept man for what he is and exhorts him to become what he can be .It does not brand man as a helpless or hopeless creature , condemned from birth to death and drown in sin from womb to tomb ,but it portrays him as a noble honorable and dignified being .
          The practicability of the Quranic teachings is established by the examples of Muhammad (sm) and Muslims throughout the ages . The instructions of the Quran are aimed at the general welfare of men and are based on the possibilities within his reach .
The Quran states :
“Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope”
** Dynamism: -
                         Another significant feature of the Quranic wisdom is that it is not the static or dry type. It is a kind of dynamic wisdom that provokes the mind and quickens the heart .About this wisdom there are numerous examples to show that the most dynamic personalities and the most concluse --- arguments could not reach the territory of the dynamic wisdom of the Quran .
The Quran states: ----
Here ,Allah speaks of the Quran as a Rooh or spirit and life and as a light where with the servants of Allah are guided to the straight path .
** Moderation :-
                            Another characteristics of the holy Quran is moderation or harmony between the Divine and the human ,the spiritual  and the material ,the individual and the collective and so on .
           The Quran pays due attention to all facts of life and all needs of mankind and deals with them in such a way as to help man to realize the noble objectives of his being .For this approach of moderation ,the Quran calls the Muslims a Middle Nation and with this middle ness  ,they are called the beast people ever evolved for mankind  ,as they enjoin the right ,combat the wrong and believe in Allah .
** Makki and Madani surah :-
                                                   Surahs and ayat are called Makki or Madani according to the period of revelation .
              The surahs and ayat revealed before hijrah are called Makki surah .
And the surahs revealed after the hijrah are called Madina .
There is a marked difference between the Makki and Madani .surahs, for example :-
The Makki surahs , mostly describe the matters of basic faith ,refutation of paganistic  beliefs , evidence of the oneness of Allah .His Attributes proofs of the resurrection on the Day of Judgment , prophet hood of the holy prophet and of previous prophets , removal of the rust of evil from the heart of people etc .
On the other hand ,Madani surahs deal, mostly with the code of life, rules of shariyah like prayers , fast, zakat, jihad ,hazz , social behavior etc .
Makki surahs and ayat are mostly short, Madani ayat and surahs are mostly long. In Makki surahs whenever the audience has been addressed mostly the words ‘O people ‘ or ‘O children of Adam ‘ have been used , where as in Madani Surahs mostly ,the words ‘O you who believe’ have been used .

Source :=
The fundamental Belief of a pure Muslim-Page no-87
Dr. Fahd bin Abdur Rahman Al-Rumi, Dirasat fi Ulumul Quran-Page no-20

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